Holy Apostles Communications

Mosaic – September 2023

By Holy Apostles Communications | September 15, 2023

Discoveries in Orthodoxy

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 30, 2023

Discoveries in Orthodoxy – Our Fall adult education series will be facilitated by Dn. Perry and will focus on the superb short videos, “The Person of Christ,” produced by the Metropolis of Chicago, narrated by Fr. Alexis Torrance, and available here: https://chicago.goarch.org/personofchrist/   At each Thursday evening session, we will view and discuss 2 of the 12 short videos, each of which explores…

August 27- September 3, 2023

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 30, 2023

WEEKLY BULLETIN www.holyapostleschurch.com SUNDAY AUGUST 27—FEAST DAY OF ST. PHANOURIOS 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy Back to School Blessing 11:30 a.m. GOYA Board Meeting Fellowship Hour MONDAY AUGUST 28 6:30 p.m. Fashion Show Theme & Décor Meeting TUESDAY AUGUST 29—BEHEADING OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 7:00…

Caregivers Seminar

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 24, 2023

Register for the Seminar HERE!

Philoptochos News & Events

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 16, 2023

Our Philoptochos has the following wonderful opportunities to offer your time and talent and live out our Orthodox faith in a tangible way. Not a member of Philoptochos yet? They are looking for new members to join this important and life-giving ministry. Click HERE to join!  Upcoming Opportunities & Events: What: September Membership/General Meeting When:Tuesday, September…

September Saturday Vespers Potluck

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 16, 2023

A Word from the Mosaic…

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 16, 2023

The Mosaic will be digitally published on the first day of the month and also posted on the church website. For those of you needing or wanting a hard copy mailed to your home, you may opt in for a mailing by Clicking Here or signing up after Sunday liturgy in the multipurpose room on August 20.

Attention all Young Adults!

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 16, 2023

Want to be involved in Lampros (ages 18-22) or YAL (ages 22-30)? Send us your info so we can let you know when there are upcoming events and mail college students care packages. Even if you think we have your information, please fill out the form Here!!

Youth Ministries are starting up again!

By Holy Apostles Communications | August 16, 2023

Youth Registration is Now Open! All youth who may participate in any events at the church are kindly asked to PLEASE register! This includes Sunday School, TOTS, JOY, Jr. GOYA, GOYA, Dance Troop, Christmas Pageant and more! Please Register HERE by August 31st! Back-to-School Blessing All youth returning to school in the fall are invited…

Weekly News

By Holy Apostles Communications | June 1, 2023

Weekly Email