Stewardship & Donations
Our online giving system allows you to:
√ Give online with a debit/credit card or your bank account
√ Set up or manage your giving on a recurring basis
√ See your giving history at Holy Apostles
All donations are 100% tax deductible. You will receive an email receipt immediately after making a donation online and a letter mailed to you summarizing your donations after the close of the year.
How Can I Determine What is the Right Amount to Pledge for Stewardship?
The Lord alone knows your heart, and from where your offering comes. Therefore, there is no offering to small to give to our Lord. All of us give proportionately to the level of our income and current circumstances & ability. A genuine offering to the Lord is what each steward should hope to aim for.
How Often Should I Make My Stewardship Pledge?
Stewardship is a continuous action that is born out of love for our Lord. However, we ask that Stewards make at least one pledge per year to remain in good standing in the parish. You may pay in the manner which suits you best. Smaller, regular contributions (weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly) are often easier to manage. You may, however, also contribute, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
Can I Become a Steward at Holy Apostles?
Anyone who wishes to be served by Holy Apostles, and has been baptized an Orthodox Christian can become a steward of Holy Apostles. Stewards should be over the age of 18. Current stewardship allows each Greek Orthodox Steward to vote and or seek elective office in the parish administration as provided in the Archdiocesan and Parish by-laws.
What is Stewardship & Why is it Important in my Orthodox Faith Journey?
As Orthodox Christians, we offer ourselves to the Lord at every Divine Liturgy during the Anaphora as the priest intones, "Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee, on behalf of all and for all." All things given are offerings to God. Whatever is given to us, we return to God with praise and thanksgiving for His blessings. Stewardship is not just a one-time offering, but a part of the Orthodox Christian way—born out of deep love for God. When offered, these "first fruits" demonstrate that Christ is our priority in the use of the time, talent, and treasure that He has so generously gifted to us. As Orthodox Christians, we desire to serve, and thus stewardship becomes a path that fosters spiritual growth and deepens our faith and love in the Lord. Stewardship is not a single donation, event, or moment in time—it's the manifestation of our love for Christ. We must desire to serve and give our time, talent, and treasure and open our hearts to the Lord, and we will be richly rewarded by God's mercy, love, and grace.

Why are Donations a part of Stewardship?
As Orthodox Christians, we offer ourselves to the Lord at every Divine Liturgy during the Anaphora as the priest intones, "Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee, on behalf of all and for all." All things given are offerings to God. Whatever is given to us, we return to God with praise and thanksgiving for His blessings. Stewardship is not just a one-time offering, but a part of the Orthodox Christian way—born out of deep love for God. When offered, these "first fruits" demonstrate that Christ is our priority in the use of the time, talent, and treasure that He has so generously gifted to us. As Orthodox Christians, we desire to serve, and thus stewardship becomes a path that fosters spiritual growth and deepens our faith and love in the Lord. Stewardship is not a single donation, event, or moment in time—it's the manifestation of our love for Christ. We must desire to serve and give our time, talent, and treasure and open our hearts to the Lord, and we will be richly rewarded by God's mercy, love, and grace.
How Much Does Holy Apostles Need to Operate?

To run a parish as large as Holy Apostles takes a considerable amount of time and money. To date, Holy Apostles' operating budget is $1 Million. Continued stewardship support enables Holy Apostles to focus our attention on administering to our flock. The expenses of our parish are vital for our Church, and are generally:
1. For keeping in touch with you,
2. For maintaining our buildings
3. For those who serve us
5. For worship and education
6. For our commitment to Metropolis of Chicago and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.